Player Age Groups
MSC programming is based on the Canadian Soccer Association and BC Soccer Association Long Term Player Development. The LTPD is a player-centric method that puts individual player development over team results. The overall goal is to ensure players are placed in a program that provides them the most enjoyment, so they play soccer for life.
The MSC technical plan aligns the pathway for MSC players, coaches, and staff.
The LTPD recognizes there are 2 streams of development. MSC provides a stream for the recreational player who has fun just playing the game, and a development stream for the competitive, motivated player to express themselves. Mission soccer provides both opportunities wherever possible. Development programs, however, are open to anyone with the desire to spend extra time developing their skills.
Team coaches, staff, and board members must recognize player movement over player ownership. To this end, promotion to higher levels of play, both within the club and with our partner clubs, must be supported. The Technical Director will support and assist players who desire to play in Premier League or higher.
Other than combined age groups, playing in a higher age group will be carefully considered and must be approved by the Technical Director. Approvals will only stand for 1 playing season and will be reviewed by the Technical Director before the commencement of the next season
BC Soccer and the Canadian Soccer Assn. require all coaches to be certified for their age group, and all coaches are required to complete the Respect in Sport course. CSA provides the online portion of each course for a nominal fee, and either the MSC in house learning facilitator or a neighbouring club will conduct the on-field portion to complete certification.
MSC will reimburse coaches for successful completions of all grassroots and Respect in Sport certifications. Prior approval must be obtained for reimbursement of C license and higher certification courses.